Cali-Coast Roleplay is a FiveM roleplay community that was founded in early October of 2023. Our goal is to provide a very fun, realistic and serious roleplay experience.
⭐ Cali-Coast Roleplay (Founded in 2023)
Good morning/afternoon @everyone, Cali-Coast Roleplay is a FiveM roleplay community that was founded in early October of 2023. Our goal is to provide a very fun, realistic and serious roleplay experience. We have over 100+ custom assets for our server with the highest quality possible. We want this community to be a permanent home for you and your friends.
What kind of server is Cali-Coast Roleplay?
A: Cali-Coast Roleplay is a semi serious FiveM community based off the state of California but we changed up our vehicles and uniforms. This might confuse you but let me make it a bit more clearer, some of our departments are based of some states in the world. You might think well isn't it california based? Our penal code and some other aspects of the server are Californian if you get where we are coming from but not our vehicles/eup. We wanted to spice it up. We are also a public server, this means that anyone can join Cali-Coast as a civilian only. We do not tolerate rule breakers, any public civilian that violates our guidelines will instantly be removed and will not be permitted to re-join unless appealed.
What can Cali-Coast offer to me/others?
1. Trained & Professional Members: All of our department staff/heads are fully qualified and experienced, we only accept professionalism in our community. We will not stand for anything else.
2. Custom Vehicles: All of our police vehicles are completely custom made (the liveries) and are high in quality. We offer over 100+ civilian vehicles so you literally can not get bored of the same vehicle.
3. Very Experienced Developers: All of our developers are completely experienced in the field, we actively listen to our community and implement suggestions that you want. We do not like to ignore our members.
4. High Quality EUP: We offer you extremely high quality EUP for all of our members, we like to make sure you look the best you can!
5. Easy to use Discord Community: Our discord is extremely easy to navigate and use, we are clutter free and professional. We don't like clutter.
6. Plenty of MLOs: We offer to you tons & tons of MLOs in-game, you have a lot to do in our community. You won't get bored, rest assured.
7. vMenu server: We don't really like QB-Core or ESX so we opted for vMenu. We feel that vMenu is more professional & simplistic.
What departments can I apply for in Cali-Coast?
You can apply for the following departments as of 01/11/2023:
1. Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Blaine County Sheriff's Office (BCSO)
3. San Andreas DPS (SADPS)
4. San Andreas Fire & Rescue (SAFR)
5. San Andreas Civilian Operations (Public/Whitelisted)
Cali-Coast Discord, Gallery & Other Information:
You can find our discord community in the link below, feel free to join and check us out. We are a new community and things are still getting updated & added so please bare with us. We are trying to invite as many of you to come play on our server. You can find pictures of our departments/community below. Thank you for reading our advert and we hope you come over and check us out. Much love to you all.
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